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Journal of Applied Psychology – Who gets credit for input? Demographic and structural status cues in voice recognition.
The authors investigate the employee features that, alongside overall voice expression, affect supervisors’ voice recognition. Drawing primarily from status ch…
Aspen Institute: Economic Opportunities Program – Centering Worker Voice in Employer Engagement and Program Design: A Tool for Conducting Worker Surveys for Workforce Organizations
The COVID-19 pandemic has heightened appreciation for the critical role frontline workers play in keeping businesses running and communities safe. Business lea…
D4AD: Addressing Inequities
A brief that examines the particular economic, employment and educational challenges faced by Black and Latino workers, why it is imperative that workforce dev…
D4AD: Addressing the Needs of Vulnerable Workers and Workforce Development Systems
A quick reference outlining workers’ needs, supports they have traditionally had access to, existing barriers, and solutions.
D4AD: Ten Strategies for Reaching out to Vulnerable Workers
The top ten strategies for reaching out to vulnerable workers — highlights from the Communicating with Vulnerable Workers research report.
D4AD: Communicating with Vulnerable Workers About Resources, Training, and improving Job prospects
This report synthesizes existing research about how to communicate effectively with low-income, lower-skilled, unemployed, and underemployed workers. It review…
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