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SHRM: New HR Roles Created for the Future Workplace
Workplace futurist Jeanne Meister recently wrote that new HR roles are emerging as companies leverage artificial intelligence (AI) in the workplace.
CAEL: Adult Learner Case Studies
This report examines the experiences of three institutions that used data to guide their decisions on building programs and services for their current and pros…
World Economic Forum: Debunked: 8 Myths About AI’s Effect of the Workplace
Machine learning looks set to cause a seismic shift in the world of work and that means a lot of hype. The World Economic Forum offers this chart for what you …
JFF: Startup Accelerator for Work-Based Learning Tech
JFFLabs is building on JFF’s 35-year history of testing, building, and scaling solutions that work by identifying six passionate entrepreneurs and their startu…
Forbes: Experience Creators and Technology Embracers: The Retailers Who Will Thrive in 2019
It's becoming apparent that two main factors will hold the reins on retail success this year - the consumer desire for unique experiences and the push to integ…
Forbes: How Do You Know If Your Company Is Ready For AI?
Regardless of the size of the company or industry, adding automation into a business environment can mean a significant shift in the way an organization conduc…
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